Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Labour Day : 5 Labour Monument In The World

Some countries have labor monument in honor of the workers. Labor monument was the main attraction for the traveler. There is also the history and stories that you can make a lesson.

1. The Monument to the Korean Workers Party, North Korea

North Korean state upholds the lives of the workers. This is symbolized by the Monument to the Korean Workers Party. The labor monument in Pyongyang was founded in 1995 and has a height of 50 meters.

The monument is shaped three hands, each holding a hammer, sickle, and brush. It means the hammer symbolizes the workers, the peasants describe the sickle, and brush that is in the center symbolizes the intellectual. Under the monuments, there is writing that is embossed 'Long live the Workers Party of Korea roomates organizes and guides all Victories for the Korean people!'.